Denver is the capital city of Colorado State in the United States of America. It is an old metropolis dating back to the old west era. The city is a tourist destination, it has a vast array of parks and museums that speak a lot about American history. However its most attractive feature has to be its nature. Among the attractions is the Rocky Mountains National Park. Often people go up there for hiking and the mountains offer some beautiful views that are made beautiful by not only the moutains but the trees as well.
There are a great number of tree species found up in those mountains. Both deciduous and coniferous trees are found and we will talk about a few of them today:
Types of trees found in Denver
The types of trees can be divided into deciduous and coniferous trees, here’s a breakdown below:
(A). Deciduous Trees
These are trees that shed their leaves annually with the oncoming of winter. The types of deciduous trees found in Denver, Colorado include the following:
Boxelder (Acer negundo)
It is an indigenous species. The bark of the tree appears a color between a light grey and a light brown and has fissures when it is a seedling which later on develop into furrows as it enlarges to become a tree. It has compound leaves is a cluster of between 3 to 5 pinnate leaflets. The leaflets are 2 to 4 inches long and are green with the top side being paler than the lower side.
They have seeds that are dispersed by wind and hence are winged in adaptation. Their fruits are green when developing but turn tan once mature. The tree can grow up to 35 feet. They are adaptable trees due to the fact that their seeds are dispersed by wind.
- Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)
The bark is of a copper color. It is dotted with numerous lenticels for aeration. These lenticels later develop into groves as the tree ages. The leaves are a dark green and glossy with the underside being paler than the top. The leaves are single with a length of 1 to 4 inches and having serrated margins. The fruits are cherry-like in appearance and vary in color from dark red to dark purple.
Other deciduous trees in Denver include: Gambel oak, Narrowleaf Cottonwood, Peachleaf Willow. Plains Cottonwood and Rocky Mountain Maple.
(B). Coniferous Trees
These are trees belonging to the class Coniferales. They are tree species that are evergreen as they do not shed their leaves. They have leaves shaped like pines and they develop cones as their fruits. They usually fertilize asexually. Among the coniferous trees of Denver, Colorado are:
- Blue Spruce (Picea pungens)
They are characterized by their needle-shaped leaves that are blue in color hence the name. They have brown barks that usually are encrusted by a thick layer of scales for trees that are mature. Their cones are shiny and light brown in color. The seeds are winged as they are dispersed by wind. The trees ca attain a height of 115 feet.
- Bristlecone Pine. (Pinus aristata)
The color of the bark of this tree usually changes. It is light brown when the tree is an infant but alters to a copper color when the tree matures. The leaves are dark green and are usually densely clustered around a twig. The cones are cylindrical and dark purple in color. Seeds are winged but the wings are detachable. See image below:
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Tree Removal Denver
276 S Emerson St
Denver, CO 80209
Phone: 855-335-1596